『Under the Bridges of Paris』,我在悠遊Blog世界所發現很有法國風情的一首歌。是網路

Dean Martin富有磁性的歌聲唱著.......
Darling I'd hold you tight
Far from the eyes of night
under the bridges of Paris with you
I'd make your dreams come true

好友Google告訴我,曲子是由Vincent Scotto所譜,英文歌詞是Dorcas Cochran寫的,1931年

Under the Bridges of Paris (By Dean Martin)

How would you like to be
Down by the Seine with me
Oh what I'd give for a moment or two
Under the bridges of Paris with you

Darling I'd hold you tight
Far from the eyes of night
Under the bridges of Paris with you
I'd make your dreams come true

(How would you like to be
Down by the Seine with me
Oh what I'd give for a moment or two
Under the bridges of Paris with you)

Darling I'd hold you tight
Far from the eyes of night
Under the bridges of Paris with you
I'd make your dreams come true


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